KaroroCAM - cross platform CNC/Gcode plugin for Rhino 8

Hi Guys,

I’ve been working on a new CNC/Gcode plugin for Rhino, designed to be simple to use and cross platform - a first in CNC Plugins for Rhino.

A demo of where the plugin is currently at is now available on the Package Manager.

Here is the video going over how to get the plugin setup and running:

Currently the demo has Gcode export disabled, as I need to do a bunch of testing before I can let the code out onto others CNC machines.

The motivation behind this development was to make a piece of software to replace Fusion 360 in my own work flow. Fusion has great CAM capacity but those monthly charges are creeping up (and truth be told I’ve not forgiven Autodesk for killing off Tsplines).

I have some idea on licensing/costs - but more on this in the coming weeks.

OK - let me know if you have any comments or questions.


David Kay


Hi Guys,

A new update is up on the Package Manager:

I’ve also loaded a 2D Profiling workflow video onto the KaroroCAM YouTube:

More work coming this week, but getting closer to something that is ready for beta testing.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Dave Kay


Spent the day turning wood into chips at a good friends factory.

KaroroCAM getting closer to beta release everyday…



Very nice video explanation on the installation process of the plug-in. Is it going to be something like RhinoCAM?

I have some other questions, too.

  1. Will it support 3-axis CNC-machines with indexed head (manually rotated head in custom orientation).

  2. Also, combining several operations with different orientations of the milling head for each operation, so that a complex shape could be carved from different sides while keeping the starting coordinate the same?

  1. Ability to import own 3d model of the CNC-machine and holders of the stock material, in order to set 3d limits and make the visual simulation more accurate, and check for potential collisions?

  2. Ability to use custom shape of the stock material for each operation? This will greatly reduce the time (especially if using hot-wire cut foam stock material with an optimized shape instead of box), and will help with continuing the CNC-milling from an already established shape which is not a simple box. Or, for some additional work in a specific small area of an existing large part. Example: Imagine a car roof plug that needs just one small area to be carved, because the rear is already done.

  1. Polygonal 3d simulation? RhinoCAM does it really well, except that it can’t export that geometry as 3d mesh.

  2. Ability to export the simulated 3d mesh geometry for every operation? This will be of great help to closely examine the result of each operation or send/show the expected result to a customer.

  3. Having a data for the approximated time, overall length of the path and current coordinates of the tool directly in the 3d viewport next to the CNC-milling table is a genius idea. Will it be possible to move/rotate that block of an information in the 3d space, as well as to change the size and colour of the font? Also, I suggest to include information for the distance already carved and the remaining distance.

  4. Will it be possible to preview just a portion of the entire milling operation, such like from 35,7% to 89,3%, with ability to pause, replay forever, and change the speed of the simulation?

Hi @Rhino_Bulgaria

Thank you for the kind words mate - I’m really quite happy where the project is getting too (in only 8 weeks of development!!).

Let me answer you questions:

I’ve never personally used RhinoCAM, so I’m not sure how close or far away KaroroCAM is to its function or user interface.

I’ve been working on the pricing for the plugin and I’m hoping to hit a very good price to features/usability ratio. The pricing should be very easy to understand and the process of purchasing a license quick and simple.

Right now the code is purely 3 axis only, as I said above, first and foremost I’m aiming to replace F360 in my own work flow. All of my current work is on fairly basic 3 Axis, flat bed CNC Routers (my ID may give some insight to what this work is…)

In saying that, my wife and I have purchased a new 300sqm development space which we will be shifting into in late 2025. The plans for setting this workshop up include machines with 4 and 5 axis capacity - KaroroCAM will expand to take advantage of these new machines when needed.

At this stage all KaroroCAM operations are single export - again as this matches with the current capacity of the machines/operations I’m using in production.

This is on the “wish list” for the future for sure.

To be completely honest the current CNC router simulation was a bit of a ‘vanity’ coding, not really needed to get the code running but does look VERY COOL to non machining types.

Not currently on the plans, as I don’t personally use custom stock shapes in any of my own work. Not likely a massive amount of coding needed to support, I’ll put it on the “wish list” for the future.

I have been working on this using a number of different tools in GH, and results have been less this ideal. Long running times, failures, system crashes or just poor resolution. I’m going to keep looking at this but for now no promises that it will be part of a release any time soon.



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Thank you for the detailed answer! I also added some new questions in my post above and edited a few of the existing ones.

I recommend you to take a look at videos of RhinoCAM on YouTube and see how its interface is working. It’s a really simple to understand CAM program.

By the way, the 3d mesh simulation of RhinoCAM also caused lots of crashes (at least that was the case 10-15 years ago, when I used to work with it for some time on weaker PCs) due to memory leakages after every new operation. This is where the ability to import a 3d mesh model (already simulated earlier milling operation) could help to reduce the memory usage. Or, simply to use it as a custom stock material to apply an additional operation where it’s needed. Example: Existing carved piece consisting some rough area that needs an additional operation to smooth out the imperfections.

Thank you again Bobi! I’ll put being able to rotate and move the heads up display on the wish list - not a massive amount of work there and likely handy for more than a few user.

On colours, Im planning on being able to customize all the built in colours for cutting paths/rapids/stock/clearance plane etc. This is already something I do in my kite design Rhino plugin KaroroCAD.

Those are excellent suggestions, I will add them to the development list.

On speed control of the cutting simulation, that has already been greatly improved since the last release, you will see in the next demo release, due this coming weekend.



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RhinoCAM is pretty solid these days. Crashes are pretty rare.

You can export he stock model as an STL and open it as a separate file, or import it into other products. We occasionally will rough a detail with RhinoCAM and then send it to WorkNC. We just import the stock model and go from there.

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That sound promising. Can’t wait to see how this plug-in will be developed into a polished product when it’s ready to hit the market. :slight_smile: On the pricing, you personally feel the burden of the monthly or annual charges (basically a temporary rent) of the software. The best approach is to set a few packages with different pricing depending on their functionality (2D only, 3D, 4D, 5D with indexing, full 5D, etc), and each of them will be a perpetual license. Just like Rhino.

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That’s great to know. :slight_smile: Thanks!
RhinoCAM was quite unstable at the time, producing errors in the g-code for no obvious reason (such like random cutting through a perfectly closed polysurface). The inability to fix a certain bad area of the g-code was disappointing.


Yeah, I’d have a problem with it too if I was getting results like that!

@kiteboardshaper, do you have a team working on this, or is it just you? Just curious.

Hi Dan,

100% me, a team of one, with coffee and moral support from my wife…

Did some more work this evening - added a 2D Slotting Tool Path - this was one I use in my current workflow so was needed to complete my “min spec”.

Slotting is different enough from 2D Engraving or 3D Trace to need its own approach.



Sounds like you’re going down the same path as Joakim with his madCAM product. We used it for years before switching to RhinoCAM. We had a nice arrangement with Joakim, where I helped him with direction and testing, and he provided as many licenses as we needed. It was a good relationship for both of us. It might be something to consider with your product. If you find an enthusiastic user with a lot of CAM experience you might be able to make an arrangement like that too. I know madCAM really made nice progress over those years.


The very fact that @kiteboardshaper is actively doing CNC-milling work and implements the CAM functionality according to his needs, is probably the best way to create a CAM program for these particular tasks. However, as we know, different people have different needs, so a commercial product needs to cover a broader range of functionality.
This is also true for Rhino as a NURBS modeler, because its current state is a far cry from the advanced surfacing tools and control point editing tools of Alias, for example. But this is for another topic…

Hi Everyone,

V0.0.14 of KaroroCAM has just gone up on the package manager:

Added this release are Slotting and Drag Knife Toolpaths:

I have done enough testing at this stage to be happy to make LIMITED number of test/trial licenses available for those that would like to start machining with KaroroCAM. Contact me directly and I will discuss your machine setup/post requirements.


David Kay

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For those wanting to find out a little more about KaroroCAM here is a link to the HELP files.




Another item ticked off the list today - KaroroCAM now has its home on Food4Rhino:

Please DM with details of your machine if you would like a trial license.



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@Raphael_ML was kind enough to test and find some issues in the Drag Knife toolpath.

This have now been fixed and a new copy of the plugin pushed to the Package Manager:



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Hi Guys,

A couple of things today.

A new version of KaroroCAM has been pushed to the package manager - V0.0.25.

Biggest update is multi-depth cutting is now available in the Drag Knife tool path. Also a few edge case bugs found and fixed.

There is a new video up on KaroroCAM YouTube on how to use the 2D Engraving Toolpath:

I think that’s it, let me know if you have any questions or would like a free 30 day trial license.




AH - there was one other thing - I found a bug in the MacOS G-code export that could make it get into a UI loop - now fixed!

Very keen to hear from any Rhino for Mac users who have a CNC router and would like to trial KaroroCAM.



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