Rhino Web Browser as UI for GH - proof of concept

Hi Muhammad,

I’m more than happy where I’m currently at with this UI solution.

All I’ve really done with it in the last year in terms of development is turn each of the UI elements into a cluster so I can update the python code in all of them on the canvas at once if needed.

I’ve got a new CNC/Gcode plugin coming out soon that uses this UI, the second product I’ve developed with it.

Details are here:

I use the same method for file saving and reloading as detailed in this thread/discussed with you in the past:

I don’t really consider it a work around - the whole system state is purely based on the state shown in the UI, which in many ways should be how its done.

I dont use any HTML frameworks at this point, I believe there are others who are using ETO.Webview UI’s in Rhino that are built around web frame works, but this is beyond the scope of what I need.

However I do hide/show elements based on user input where needed, here I only show the engraving bit angle when an engraving bit type is selected from a drop down menu:

This is done with some GH logic and Stream Filter components - the whole UI page is reloaded on each user input so its easy to create these sorts of functions.
