Karmba: Could not find node at where support index 0 is attached

I have a grasshopper model with a spaceframe resting on top of a beam which runs around a perimeter of a continous wall. For the purposw of Karamba i fugured that connecting the spaceframe to the beam and the wall to the beam with vertical struts is a good solution. I cannot however make this model work. For some reason whenever I plug in the spaceframe or the horizontal beam into ‘assemble model’ Karamba fails to find the supports alhough within the model they clearly are located at the bottom of the wall. This does not occure when for example only the wall is pluged in into ‘elements’.
KARAMBA 2503.gh (132.2 KB)


You need to flatten your Elements input in the Karamba3D Assemble Model. Right now your supports are looking at your first Element branch, the Beams component, for your support points. Flattening allows Karamba to look at all Elements for the Supports: