Karamba3D v. - Compatibility of Example files


just downloaded latest version, can’t get to open most of the examples due to them being built in older version. Is that normal? will you be releasing new examples or shall I rollback?


Hi, which examples are you referring to? All the examples should be updated to the latest version.

Older examples should still work with 2.2.0 but should just show a warning message.

Hi Mathew,

any example from the package or the website would give me an error and hide some of the components. I have now uninstalled Karamba from win Add/Remove and everything works fine. RHP is loaded in rhino and plugin shows in Grasshopper. It is weird though…

that is strange. if you still encounter any issues, please let us know.

I also had the same problem. A warning was issued that there is an incompatibility with win, the system asked me to uninstall. I’m new to karamba and I was redoing the examples manually and I couldn’t connect several elements to a single line to beam

Please share the files that you encounter issues with so that we can help you to debug them.