Kangaroo mesh with several openings

I was wondering if someone would be able to help me with my project. I’m trying to create a mesh using Kangaroo that would have several non-planar openings in it. However, my algorithm doesn’t work and I’m really struggling to understand what’s the kick. I would greatly appreciate any advice. Seems to be a really basic thing, but I just can wrap my head around it.
Grass+Rhino, 3.3dm (2.2 MB)
Grass+Rhino, 3.gh (21.1 KB)

Hi @Nick23

I see you are using anchors with target points to pull the ring of points for each opening from their original location the corresponding raised ring of points. However, because of the way you are creating these points their order does not match so everything gets crossed over.
An easier way would be to get the points on the plane, move these points up to the desired height and use the moved points as the anchor targets, as this way the order will be preserved.

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Grass+Rhino, 3 Edited V0.gh (25.1 KB)

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Thank you so much for the hint, I will try to follow your guideline!

Thank you for this example. The idea was to also be able to move the openings around in Rhino and set the to different heights. I will investigate your algorithm to see if I am able to add this feature!

Gumball for Grasshopper - Grasshopper (grasshopper3d.com)
Try this for the translation.

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That is a great component! Thank you for the tip!