Kangaroo error: tensile structure in hexagonal grid

Hi everybody. Im making a tensile structure with anchor points in a hexagonal grid, but it seems that the vertex loads are not working, due to that im not having the geometry i want. So i dont know whats the problem, i would appreciate if someone helps me with this issue. Im leaving the rhino and the grasshopper definition i’ve been working on.

Recurso 1-100

origamis juego.3dm (5.7 MB)
techo completo.gh (27.5 KB)

It looks like you are splitting a surface into hundreds of trimmed patches, meshing each of these, and placing anchors in the middle of some of the surfaces.

For anchors to be attached to a mesh, they need to coincide with vertices of that mesh.
More importantly, making trimmed surfaces with curved edges and meshing these is giving a poor mesh quality, which would not give a good shape when relaxed, even if you fix the issue with the anchors.

It looks like you are trying to get a regular hex mesh trimmed and mapped onto a relaxed surface.
A better way to do this is to relax the simple triangulated mesh, then use MeshMap to take the trimmed regular hex grid from flat to the relaxed surface

hextrim.gh (17.9 KB)