I thought I asked this before, but can’t find it: Can we please get an option to not show isocurves or mesh edges, but rather the silhouette outline of selected objects? Especially when selecting dense meshes, you cannot see the object anymore when it is selected and a move or copy to a specific place becomes really cumbersome. If you want to know how it looks, see Blender.
What should happen if the silhouette of the object is outside the view boundary?
nothing, the object stays selected, you just don’t see its boundary. Another thing to notice is that, especially with denser meshes, showing them makes Rhino really slow. So the option to not show them when selecting is highly needed.
So it’s ok if you can’t visually tell if the object is selected? That’s the thing that has always concerned me about this highlighting technique. Don’t get me wrong, I do like this style when everything fits in the view and I don’t like the current current style of a sea of yellow for dense meshes.
That sounds like a display optimization we haven’t addressed. Silhouette highlighting would take about the same amount of GPU horsepower.
Just imagining here:
Does rhino knows that the selected part boundaries are outside the viewport…? because if it does know, then adding a floating Selected icon could solve it [placed at one of the corners of the viewport
No, this is not easy to accurately determine in the amount of time that you would want to maintain a decent framerate.
The object properties panel by definition only shows properties for selected objects.
I think we could play with a subtle highlight on the interior of an object when performing a silhouette highlight.
That can be very good.
My crude suggestion was to simply make the fact that Obj-Prop shows up when the object is selected more pronounced so you more easily know it is selected with boundary out of frame.
In that case, I hope displayspeed of mesh wires gets addressed too then.
Not sure if it is related, but showrendermesh is incredibly slow. A simple scene with only 100K mesh from 18 objects brings my displayspeed down from 456 fps to 9, whereas the extracted render mesh has no issues…
yes this would work for me too
Please check how this problem is addressed in Unreal Engine. From my experience, I can say that this selection display never confused me, I think it’s done right.
When selected object outline is outside the viewport highlight just sticks to the viewport boundary.
It also shows how the outline behaves if the selected object is occluded entirely or partly.
One thing that might be done better is the outline appearance at the intersections with another object, it should be more precise.
The selection display style of hatches or dense meshes in Rhino is just not right.
I see this as well, not only using _ShowRenderMesh
. It seems that all commands using conduits for previews are extremely slow. Is McNeel aware of this ?
Hi @Pascal, can you confirm what is reported above and here using _ShowRenderMesh
I get a frame drop from 300 to 6 fps. The 6 fps i get on a model with ShowRenderMesh
enabled. If i just extract the rendermesh and enable to show mesh wires in the display mode, i see 300 fps. Shouldn’t it be opposite, i mean if the geometry is part of a conduit usually things run faster compared to when an object is part of the document. (This is not a driver issue).
Hi Clement -
I’ve put this on the list as RH-70110 ShowRenderMesh: Slow display
Thank’s @wim, please find an example file below. If i go higher in the mesh density and run ShowRenderMesh
, Rhino goes into an endless loop. But after using ExtractRenderMesh
i can still navigate smoothly…
ShowRenderMesh.3dm (247.6 KB)
Hi Clement -
You must have a better spec’ed machine than what I’m running - extracting the render mesh on your file brings my PC to a crawl.
But no fears, that issue was easily reproducible on any model and Steve has already fixed it. The fix will be available in the next public WIP.
Thank you @wim. There is no chance this is going to make it into a SR for V7 right ?
Nothing too spectacular, Ryzen 5950X and a Quadro…
That’s correct, yes, Clement.
The thread that you linked to shows that this issue was in Rhino 6, and perhaps earlier. This not being a severe crash or regression from Rhino 6 makes this a Rhino 8 fix.