Jumping Jiminknee Gumball

In Rhino 7, clicking any place on the Gumball would get you what you clicked on. The Gumball function gives you confirmation of your click by placing a micro plus symbol at the location. It is intuitive and functions as expected. (see example video)

In Rhino 8 however, whatever you click on jumps to the center of the Gumball. Its like clicking for five year-olds. to my mind this is right up there with Guides that disappear.


Hi Greg - make sure gumball is set for Smooth and not Snappy dragging (Gumball menu)



Thank you once again Pascal ! Will there be any progress on ‘GUIDES’ in the near future?

Hi Greg - I have not heard anything on this front.


The last time I underlined the issue, I received this response:

I am sure that there are more pressing issues, even with the spectacular success of Rhino 8.
As the program grows with useful features, so does its complexity, depth, & strength.
