My team and I recently upgraded from Rhino 7 to Rhino 8 and the new workflow of double clicking the gumball to move it is in my team’s opinion a slower, worse-off upgrade.
We loving using gumball to quickly move around objects or selections of objects by a certain point and I found holding down control achieved this a lot more efficiently. I find holding down control was more intuitive especially seeing as you have to hold down Alt to clone the selection anyways; my hand’s already there. Moving it now involves quite a bit of double clicking. For instance if I wanted to move the gumball in 3 axis, (Once on XY and then once more on Z) then that’d be 4 clicks versus 2 clicks with Control held down.
I figure the switch is due to holding down Control now allowing you to extrude a closed curve, but I find the new Gumball arrow dot + minus symbols achieves this much better anyways. No reason to have both.
Maybe we’re a minority, but at least giving a Legacy option to switch back would be nice.
As there are Rhino 8 features we are already quite fond of like the MakeHole + Extrude functionality within Gumball.
I too use the Gumball with snappy dragging and osnap enabled which I find the best, but was still hesitant towards the double click change when moving it around in 3 axis due to excessive clicking.
Well, that was until I realized you can double click the center point itself and snap it to any point on the 3D object. Which is something not possible in Rhino 7. Knowing that I think I may have jumped the gun and it is growing on me as well.
I’ll be a fully happy camper once they reduce the delay on the Gumball movement next!
Just getting into Rhino 8 and I love the new gumball features, but I have to admit I preferred the ctrl click option better. One because it was smoother and less misses or retries, but more importantly because it interferes with the double click to edit groups that I have become very used to and reliant on with the block edit plugin. Maybe the block edit plugin has been integrated in rhino 8, I’m not sure, but every time I try to relocate the gumball on a group, or even multiple objects including the group, it goes into group edit. It does not do this for blocks, however, even though it’s the same workflow from the same plugin. I would love to see the ability to change back to the legacy option for relocating the gumball or some ability to change the trigger. I would honestly give up the new gumball features before the double-click-to-edit-groups. mho
when we unified the mac/pc UI ctrl was mapped to extrude and double click was picked for relocate because it translate between platforms.
It was changed, which means it’s possible to change it again, but we’d have to gather some significant user momentum in order to do it as it has some fairly far reaching implications to x platform UI.
we work for you, so we want to do what our users want…if we chose poorly, let us know.