Good morning.
In my company we are now upgrading to rh5 from rh4.
My problem is that importing a iges file (a ship hull, patched) and joining all surfaces the result in rh4 is without internal open edges while in rh5 the result is different, with several open edges. In some cases it fails reversing the normals and doesn’t join; in other it found very small fake edges open. Tolerances look the same.
Have you ever had a similar problem? Why join works different in the two versions?
Thank you in advance for any possible help.
MMMM… I think it may be something wrong in iges import…
Hi Gaetano - if you use the _What
command to query the joined result in both cases, what does the V4 result say about ‘Edge tolerances’?
Thank you for the reply.
Polisuperficie valida.
Polisuperficie con 407 superfici.
Dettagli bordi:
105 bordi di confine
17 bordi singoli
760 bordi manifold
= 882 bordi totali
Tolleranze bordi: 0.000 a 0.001
mediana = 4.47e-08 media = 3.24649e-06
Tolleranze vertici: 0.000 a 0.001
mediana = 4.47e-08 media = 3.24649e-06
Polisuperficie non valida.
Polisuperficie con 405 superfici.
Dettagli bordi:
131 bordi di confine
5 bordi singoli
761 bordi manifold
= 897 bordi totali
Tolleranze bordi: da 0.000 a 0.001
mediana = 0.000 media = 0.000
Tolleranze vertici: da 0.000 a 0.001
mediana = 0.000 media = 0.000
Hi Gaetano - can you please send an example iges file to, to my attention? The smaller the better, so long as it show the discrepancies you are asking about. I believe the V5 Join is probably a more accurate reflection of the realities of the iges file, but it would not hurt to have an example.
Thank you very much. I’ve sent you a mail.
Hi Gaetano - thanks for sending this in - it looks to me like the problem lies in the IGES import and not in Join, but I’ve sent it to the developers for a look.