Issue with Paneling tools in Grasshopper for Rhino &

HI, I have been trying to install paneling tools for rhino 7 and grasshopper. Few issues :

  1. is there a way to get the paneling tools toolbar in rhino environment?
  2. Paneling tools for grasshopper does not get installed. Whenever I start grashopper, this error pops up in the command line in rhino, as under:
    "Message: Could not load file or assembly ‘System.Resources.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. "

Any help in this would be appreciated.

Hi -

The recommended way is to use the PackageManager command in Rhino 7 to install the PanelingTools. Is that what you used?

Hi Wim,

Yes I have used package manager. It installs well in Rhino, but not in GH. I can see that PTcomponents being loaded at the splash screen when starting GH, but i cant see the toolbar nor the commands in grashopper environment.


Update : Wrote to Rajaa Isaa, and the solution was simple - update to version 7.2 and everything installed seamlessly.

Thank you

  • Alhad