Is there a tool to make a faceted sphere?

Is there standard tool in Rhino to make an object like this? I know I can be done in GH, but that’s way beyond my capabilities.

Look for the Polyhedra plugin

RhinoPolyhedra creates regular polyhedra.

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Gracias amigos.

I just realized the objects created by the plugin is a mesh. Is there any way
to subtract a mesh from a NURBS object?

Hello- ToNurbs on the mesh, in this case, will get you there.


It’s a little awkward, but the plug-in allows you to choose the output: curve, mesh or surface – but you have to select the polyhedron you want, click for its center, THEN you can select the output type BEFORE clicking a second time for the “Scale Factor or Reference Point.” I think this could use a tune-up; selecting the desired output shouldn’t be so cryptic.

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Hardly cryptic! But it is efficient: if the output type was presented as the first selection, you would have to click through it regardless of whether you needed to change it or not.

Rhino remembers the last setting, so once you have chosen Surfaces, it will stay like that until you change it again.

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