As we all know, when setting Gumball to align to object, it goes to the bounding box centre, only that in most cases the Gumball axis are not aligned to the object direction but rather default to Cplane. It then takes quite a few clicks to relocate and snap to a couple of places on the object, which would be sort of ok if Gumbe could remember and come back to this directional alignment. But he does not in many cases. [A long and frustrating procedure when one has to go back and forth moving the same object]
A way to quickly align by object’s U V & surface Normals, will be so Helpful!
*It is the default behaviour in other app that I’m using and it make a big difference.
Hi Pascal
Thank you, these are very nice macro for quickly aligning Cplane to the object.
Great shortcuts for many situation, and I’m certain to be using these a lot.
Not exactly what I meant. I was hoping to have a way to align the gumball according to the object U V N without altering the active Cplane.
After some trying, I’m able to use your Macro for this current need very well by utilising Named Cplane and Named View.
just took some time to figure out the workflow .