You can make a button yourself, i just did for the first time, simple, works.
(see my post above this one)
and you can make a keyoard shortcut in options:
Just pick your shortcut keys you like
I already have a custom button for more than a year now, but my suggestion is to make this a native Rhino toggle (that ships with the default Rhino) located somewhere at the Status bar on the bottom. Also, note that my other suggestion is to be able to toggle selection highlight only on certain object types, which is an extremely powerful way to select meshes without highlighted polygons (best way is to highlight the outline only) while NURBS geometry is highlighted normally.
Be able to highlight geometry types (only meshes, only NURBS, only curves etc).
Be able to set custom highlight option to a certain object (a command ! _SetObjectHighlightMode
similar to the existing ! _SetObjectDisplayMode would be welcome).
Be able to quickly change the highlight mode to all objects through a toggle in the Status bar.
Be able to choose whether highlighted geometry will fill the faces in a solid colour (current behaviour for SubD geometry) or will only affect the edges (current behaviour for NURBS geometry)
Be able to choose whether the selected objects with turned off highlight will appear as “not selected” (only the Gumball and bounding box will be indicative for that) or with a highlighted border (the way geometry in 3ds Max is being highlighted).
FWIW toolbars and buttons are independent of templates. They are stored in .rui files.
I would recommend putting custom buttons in a custom toolbar so there is no risk of a Rhino update overwriting the standard templates and thereby losing them.