Also for easily navigating the model in iRhino (most users have no clue how to navigate 3D) it would be great if views + sections could be invoked simultaneously. Meaning that specific sections could be activated in specific views. So for example when you click “Living Room” you would get a preset view of the living room, with one of the external walls removed by invoking a specific section (clipping plane).
I’m also advocating switching from the term “clipping plane” to “section” and “section plane” as this is a term that has been used for ages, while “clipping plane” is a very technical term. Architects work with sections.
That’s the way it works in Rhino by default, so I would expect it to work the same way in iRhino.
→ RV-1350 Settings: Named Views Set Clipping Planes
Can you try that from a different browser?
You’ll need to log into your Rhino Account to get to that page. Make sure there is no firewall that is blocking your access to this.
I know why this does not work now. No need for a file.
It’s quite simple.
If you take any file open in Rhino with Named Views and you export (a subset) of that file using export command (to a 3dm file), then the new file will not have the Named Views included.
So the question then becomes - how do you save a subset 3dm file with the named views included? Or is it impossible?
I did that. But the sections do not work in iRhino. They work in the Rhino-file (I exported the geometry and then imported the views). This works on the computer. But when I open the file in iRhino, the sections are not activated when clicking the view (with a section active inside).