iRhino3D - saved Named Views, saved Section Planes

Customers want to see 3D …

I’ve tried to export 3D for them so they can use iRhino3D …

With names views that I would like them to use.

But the Named Views does not seem to show up in iRhino3D … ? Am I doing something wrong ?

Without pre-set views (for exampe view + selected section) it is almost impossible for customers to navigate complex architectural drawings.

Any ideas how to accomplish this ?


Named views work in iRhino, you can find them by tapping on the viewport name > Named views

Not sure what you mean by

Do you have a file I can look at?

I see certain views in iRhino, but not all of them that I have in my Windows Rhino.

Windows Rhino


Is there another way to find the views ?


Also for easily navigating the model in iRhino (most users have no clue how to navigate 3D) it would be great if views + sections could be invoked simultaneously. Meaning that specific sections could be activated in specific views. So for example when you click “Living Room” you would get a preset view of the living room, with one of the external walls removed by invoking a specific section (clipping plane).

I’m also advocating switching from the term “clipping plane” to “section” and “section plane” as this is a term that has been used for ages, while “clipping plane” is a very technical term. Architects work with sections.


Hej Erik -

That’s the way it works in Rhino by default, so I would expect it to work the same way in iRhino.
RV-1350 Settings: Named Views Set Clipping Planes

That’s great. But they do not appear in my iRhino … (Or I do not know where to find them …)


Hej Erik -

We’ll need a file.

Sure, where should I send it? Please do not share the file on the forums.


You can set recipient to morteza

I get this when I try the link.


Hej Erik -

Can you try that from a different browser?
You’ll need to log into your Rhino Account to get to that page. Make sure there is no firewall that is blocking your access to this.

I know why this does not work now. No need for a file.

It’s quite simple.

If you take any file open in Rhino with Named Views and you export (a subset) of that file using export command (to a 3dm file), then the new file will not have the Named Views included.

So the question then becomes - how do you save a subset 3dm file with the named views included? Or is it impossible?


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Hej Erik -

That is impossible, yes, but you can use the NamedView panel (in Rhino) to import named views from a different file.


I did that. But the sections do not work in iRhino. They work in the Rhino-file (I exported the geometry and then imported the views). This works on the computer. But when I open the file in iRhino, the sections are not activated when clicking the view (with a section active inside).

What’s wrong?

I’m sending you this file now via the transfer.


I still can not upload the file.


You don’t have the permission to access the requested resource. It is either read-protected or not readable by the server.

(I logged in in an incognito window and then used the link. Still impossible to use.)


Thanks @erik6
we can reproduce the issue, and Wim logged it here RV-1350 Settings: Named Views Set Clipping Planes
I’ll try to fix it

Great thanks.

Customers waiting for possibility to look at the 3D files.

@erik6 this is now fixed in 9.0.25057

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