iRhino problem

Hi @mkarimi!

Great to finally be able to model with Rhino on the iPad! Thank you McNeel! It’s been a dream of mine for a long time.
I have a problem, however… For starters I tried something as simple as drawing a straight line (commands → curve → line), but all my pencil is doing is rotating the view…? No command prompt and no line - so it’s not quite clear to me if I’m supposed to ‘draw’ the line (like you would normally with a pencil on a paper) or if I’m first supposed to mark the starting point and then the end point (like in desktop Rhino). I would prefer the first alternative - but now it’s not working at all.

My iPad is quite old (iPad Pro, 2017), but my iPad OS is up to date (17.3). iRhino version 84.24008 build 10.02.1.

Any ideas?

I don’t use iRhino, but from what I’ve seen here on discourse I’m pretty sure actual modeling is not possible with it. It’s “just” a viewer with markup and 3d scanning capabilities. Have you looked at this:

Rhino - iRhino 3D ?

Seems to be very nice for what it’s designed to do.

Sorry, I forgot to mention… I’m talking about the new(er) iRhino WIP version - not the old viewer.

Command support is only available in the TestFlight build because it is still a very early work in progress feature. The TestFlight build is meant for these “WIP” features and once we determine something is good enough we move it into the AppStore build.

Morteza has been working on a large rewrite of the user interface lately to be based on Apple’s SwiftUI technology in order to help us use the latest tools available. Once that is done we were thinking about working on improved interaction with the pencil. Right now the pencil acts like a finger and we want to allow for the two to be treated different.


Admittedly the pencil interactions need some work and are not very intuitive.
But I try to explain what’s going on and hopefully we’re improve it in the coming months.

In order to make it possible to finetune the position of the point being picked, I made it so you have to keep your finger/pencil in one position for a half second in order for the point to be placed. After the first point is placed, you can move your finger/pencil to the second point and when you release the line is drawn. (keep in mind, I keep my pencil/finger on the screen the whole time)

Another way you can do this is by tapping once for the first point and a second time for the second point.

Try it and let me know if it works for you.

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Is yet possible to edit (Move) point on a line? I’m not seeing how this is done.

Not elegantly, but it can be done:

Once we have gumball working, these interactions should feel much more natrual.

Not even sure what command you invoked or how you moved that, but a gumball would be very helpful. Hope to see that soon. I love using the pencil to sketch curves, but editing them is a pain. Looking forward to the update.

I selected the line by tapping on it, that enabled the control points, I tapped on the control point again to select it. And then ran the Move command.

Ok, thanks!

That’d good to hear. Also… one or two fingers on the screen will probably act differently, right?

I agree :wink: Of course I understand, that this is an early WIP version and I’m excited and can’t wait for the next WIP

Ok, these methods almost work - but not always. Sometimes I also get the “start of line” after I finished drawing the line - and sometimes the line just dissappers… Can’t always quite figure out what’s happening.
I’ll guess I’ll wait for the next WIP versions to test further.
Anyway… Thank you!

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