Incredibly exciting potential with the iPad app! Thoughts and suggestions

[Edit: I read another post on this forum and see you’re working on a larger update to the UI, so you’re aware of the things I mention in this post. Excited to see what it’s like!]

I’ve been using Rhino since University and use it professionally and as a hobby now. Given the landscape of and industry workflows with the 3D modeling, I never expected to see this much functionality come to iRhino3D. You’re doing incredible work, @mkarimi

Maybe I haven’t explored the WIP app enough, but there are some big things that stick out that hinder usability.

  1. The tool panel and command should be locked or lockable. Having to drag the little tab out constantly is really tedious. On an iPad, swiping from the edge brings in the Slide Over window, so it’s really inconsistent to even be able to pull out the tool tab. When selecting snap objects, you have to keep reopening the window, and selecting a new snap point eg mid, near, vertex.

  2. Simply selecting something is not intuitive. I understand this is all WIP, but even on the release version just for markups, selecting an object feels tedious. Tapping and dragging, finger, mouse or pencil, all orbit the camera. A single tap selects…kind of. And a double tap zooms to extents. So when you’re trying to select an object, you’re constantly orbiting and zooming before anything selects. My suggestion would be a single tap is to select. Nothing else. Tap and drag is a selection box. Two finger orbits the camera. Three finger drag pans the camera.

Further on selecting, maybe it’s simply not functional yet, but it seems impossible to manipulate the gumball. I turned it on from the command box, but it’s impossible to select. You can use the move command, so manipulating geometry, including SubD, is working. But doing it via gumball is impossible.

  1. I suppose this is also to do with selection, or maybe the cursor, but there is no cursor. Let’s say you want to make a rectangle curve. I can’t see where the first point is, I can’t see the size of the box changing as I choose the next corner, and I can’t see where the next corner is. There needs to be a live cursor that indicates what you’re about to do.

These three things, Locked UI, functional selection, and command previews, are the biggest things that stop me from exploring and playing with the application more, and in turn submitting more meaningful feedback.

With that said, I’m amazed that you’re bringing this functionality to the mobile app. I hope McNeel understands the potential to dominate the mobile 3D modeling software market if this is done well. Right now, Shapr3D is the only viable option but functionally it is more akin to SolidWorks. Conceptual designers I think more lean towards Rhino. One of the great things about the iPad, that we see 2D art, is you can explore and create so much more freely.

I imagine a future where I can go to a site with my iPad, 3D scan it, sketch some ideas over the scan, and rough model them in without even sitting down. Imagine we even expand this to some kind of spatial AR markup. I can scan a site, markup with conceptual 3D sketches, and that can be anchored at full scale back at the site. Then a client can walk into the space, open their iPhone, and see the concept sketches at full scale, in AR.

I also have one last question. You just released Rhino 8 for Mac, with Metal Support. Aren’t Mac apps universal binaries, meaning it can just be ported over?

I understand you have somewhat limited resources to put into iRhino3D. But I also see you adding in Apples APIs for scanning Rooms and Objects, so it’s clear you’re mindful and knowledgeable of how Rhino and Apple hardware can work together to make something amazing.

Thank you for all the amazing work. Keep it up!


Thanks for the detailed post, this is a great time to give feedback like this since I’m reworking the UI.

This panel is one of the major things I’m changing in the UI rewrite. I’m making the panel resizable and sticky.

I’m aware of the bug with object selection, this has been logged here, I hope we can fix that before we release the new UI.

This is on my radar, logged here

I had the same thought as well, mostly because I wanted to keep the orbit/pan functionality when you’re in a command (drawing curves for example). But most of our users use iRhino for viewing only. I think this proposed change is going to affect those users negatively. I need to think more about this one …

Gumball doesn’t work in iRhino yet. I have it logged here

I’m confused about this comment. The display updates as you move your finger on the screen. The trick is to keep your finger on the screen the whole time. First point will be placed when you pause your finger over an area, second point will be place when you release your finger. I added the delay mechanism so you can finetune the placement of the point, But maybe that’s dumb.

Newer Apple pencils have a hover feature that makes this possible. We’re not taking advantage of that in iRhino yet, but it’s on my list of things to do

A lot of APIs are different between iOS and MacOS. We use quite a bit of .Net in Rhino that’s not yet ported to iOS.

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Thanks for making this post (so I didn’t have to :wink:)! Very important comments and very good suggestions - all of them!

I think the suggestions @GrapesTogetherStrong made are the way selections and panning/rotating the view should work.
It might be that most users use iRhino for viewing only - for now. That’s probably/hopefully going to change.

Well, it kind of works - but not always, as I mentioned earlier - at least not on my old iPad…

In any case, I don’t think it’s a very intuitive - or quick - way of modelling. Drawing lines or sketching should be as easy and intuitive as working with pencil and paper.

Thanks for listening!

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By the way… I don’t get the magnifying glass over the cursor (where it should be) - mine is always in the upper right corner…? iPad Pro from 2017 - to old?

The default position is upper right corner. But you can change it in Settings>Interactions>Loupe Position:

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Aha, thanks! I should have found that my self… :smiling_face:

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I can give this a try. Logged here:

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I was about to make a post suggesting an option for persistent/sticky command line, since it makes it efficient for power users who have memorized those commands for 20 years (and use a keyboard with the iPad)… and an option for sticky toolbars for those users who have memorized the little icons.

The way I see it is, if the iPad is hooked up to a keyboard and mouse, IRhino should at least have the option to behave mostly like the desktop app. If it deviates too far from that, then it requires a steeper learning curve. Exceptions should be made if the touch screen or Apple Pencil provides ways to make the experience better, of course.

I agree with the other suggestions by OP - and I agree that bringing a fully functional Rhino App to the iPad is totally the right move. Tablets are only going to gain more popularity, as their capabilities match and surpass those of desktops/laptops. I’ve searched in the app store and there’s still nothing that models the way Rhino does; even the 2D drawing apps do not come close to the 2D part of Rhino.


I agree with you, I think that IRhino has enormous potential, I would like IRhino to be easier to model with the pencil like shapr3d does


Great suggestion, logged it here

To be clear our first priority is to have a powerful viewer that can be used as a presentation tool. So we’re focusing on viewing and marking up functionality. We’re of course experimenting with commands but if we make iRhino do all the things that Rhino does we have to figure out how to charge for it.

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$1200.00 in the Apple Store (extra to cover Apple cut). Don’t forget the validation and Zoo part! :smile:

Just started playing around with the iRhino app and overall I think it’s great!
Maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t think there’s a way to isolate objects or layers, right? You can change the visibility of layers, but if you want to only show one thing, there’s no easy way to isolate it or hide all other layers without going through the list and tapping on the lightbulb for every layer you want to hide.
A command like Rhino’s Isolate would work, or even a “hide all layers” button (so that you could then just show the layer of interest).
Something like this would be very helpful, and thank you for developing this app!

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You’re right. There’s no UI to do that in the current build but I can make something in the upcoming releases.


If the App works as well as the Rhino desktop version, and with all the features, I would totally expect to pay about as much for it. Hopefully, there would be the possibility of some discount for existing Rhino3D customers, but that’s just a wish. Thanks for taking the time to consider our feedback. I’ve been a Rhino user since the late 1990s!

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@GrapesTogetherStrong , @Philip I’m wondering if you had a chance to try the new iRhino release on Testflight?

This panel is completely redesigned and can be resized

This is now fixed, you can select multiple osnaps before closing the panel.

While I didn’t end up changing how finger gestures work, the support that I added for Apple Pencil should make it easier to select things. On iPad, the Apple Pencil defaults to window selection while your fingers are free to orbit the view.

Keep in mind that this bug still exists.

Hi @mkarimi
I’m sorry, but I’ve been so busy lately… I’ll try to test the new release in the coming days. Thank you for all your efforts with iRhino!

This bug is fixed in the latest Testflight release

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Finally been able to find some time for testing… I now have v8.8.24106. iRhino is getting better and better with each new release! Very exciting! Good work!

Here are some things I discovered - and some wishes.

  1. The UI text and background colors don’t have enough contrast for my old eyes - especially the gray text color in the command line (“Start of line”…), but also the blue symbols and texts could be lighter/brighter.

  2. I’d like to have aliases and keyboard shortcuts like in desktop Rhino.

  3. A simpler way of entering coordinates (some sort of tooltip, perhaps), so I don’t have to open the virtual keyboard. For example… When drawing a simple line from 0,0,0 to a point in space, I’d like to have a interactive tooltip of some sort where I could just click “0” for the start point - and the tooltip/calculator/whatever would follow the cursor and I’d be able to type the relative endpoint coordinates or the length of the line - and also specify an relative angle for the line (by the way… iRhino crashes when I try to type the endpoint/length of line with the virtual keyboard).

  4. A possibility to have other ortho degrees than 90 (45 for instance).

  5. Click and drag… A possibility to adjust “object drag threshold” and “control point drag threshold” like in desktop Rhino - and to be able to adjust them separately. In desktop Rhino I have my control point drag threshold set to 12 and my object drag threshold to 6000 (to disable accidental dragging - this is quite important).

  6. …and of course a manual and video tutorials further down the road :wink:


Thanks for the feedback @Philip

You can do this in the iOS settings.

Can you elaborate? Have you tried pinning a command? It creates a shortcut icon for quick access.
Or do you for example want to be able to run polyline command by typing pl?

That’s an interesting idea, logged here.
To clarify do you imagine the touch drag would determine the direction of the next point but when finger is lifted you actually enter the distance? Or would you enter the exact coordinates of the next point?

I logged the crash here:
RV-1049 Crash entering number in polyline

The virtual keyboard is always going to show when a text field is focused. Have you tried a floating keyboard?

What is your equivalent workflow in Rhino for this?

We have an open issue for getting drag to work.

Of course