Intersection issue with Brep Plane

Hi there! I am trying to create terracing based on a previous surface, however I am receiving an error when plugging in the surface. Does anyone know how to fix this?

intersection_issue.3dm (99.6 KB) (21.8 KB)

You have 40 surfaces connected to the ‘Plane’ input and only nine of them intersect the wavy surface, resulting in 51 intersection curves. Nothing to fix because nothing is broken.

BBX (Brep | Brep) is more appropriate here than Sec (Brep | Plane).

Hi there!

I’m quite new to grasshopper so I might be misunderstanding, but when I substitute (Brep | Plane) for (Brep | Brep) the terracing does not occur.

The other way around: substitute (Brep | Brep) for (Brep | Plane). Result is the same 51 intersection curves and whatever follows after that. Keep an eye on your geometry!

if your planes goes past the the brep, you’ll get errors for those planes

reducing the count solves that error

you can also get the same curves with contour