From time to time I move the camera inside a model to have a look at details, possible clashes and rogue faces etc. Is there a way to easily look at a point and and rotate the camera inside the volume of a model? When I say is there, I mean would it be something that you guys could set up as an option?
I find I’m using it more and more - I guess some kind of collision detection? It’s easy to do in a large room or a building but not easy to do within the wall of something that’s 3mm thick:
I’ll have to keep using camera target and mooch around until I see what I need to. I guess what I wanted was some way to miniaturise the camera so in essence when i’m inside something with a thin wall it treats the scale as if i was in a large room.
I know it seems like a big deal for something trivial, extracting surfaces to take a look sometimes defeats the purpose and using something like wireframe on a complex model with angled walls is tricky.