Insufficient points problem


I am using grasshopper to build the terrain of my site. However while using mesh frompoints i have come into the problem of having insufficient points, following this tutorial

These are screenshots of my commands

Screenshot of my model

Can someone please guide me how to resolve this error that I am facing. Thank you

Post your file , do you want people watch the video and recreate the definition to find the error?

That red thing.

What you’re sticking into u multiplied by what you’re sticking into v must equal the amount of P.

My guess is that it doesn’t, follow the wires backwards from the red thing to see why. They come from the ‘int’ param, but that number only goes into the u param in the subdivide component. The other is 1000.

Let’s make those red things light grey again.

Three threads on this subject in four days! Are you guys all in the same class?