Inquiry on Texture Issues When Exporting 3DM to GLB in Rhino 8

Dear Rhino Team,

I am encountering an issue when using Rhino 8 to export 3DM files to GLB format. Regardless of the export options selected, the resulting GLB files have texture problems.

Specifically, I found that Rhino 8 uses different setting names and ranges for texture-related options when applying external images in 3DM and GLB formats. In 3DM, the option is named “Size”, while in GLB, it is called “Repeat” (translated from Japanese UI, I guess), and the ranges (particularly the upper limits) differ. This discrepancy causes problems during the automatic conversion process.

When a 3DM file is exported to GLB, the default value for the “Repeat” setting in GLB becomes 0, causing the material to display as a solid color. I suspect that this solid color is actually the color of the central pixel of the external image.

To summarize:

  • In 3DM format, the texture-related option is “Size”.
  • In GLB format, the texture-related option is “Repeat” (translated from Japanese UI, I guess), with different range limits compared to 3DM.
  • Exporting leads to the “Repeat” setting in GLB defaulting to 0, making the material appear as a solid color, likely matching the central pixel of the external image.

Is there a way to ensure that the texture settings are correctly translated from 3DM to GLB during the export process? Any guidance or solutions would be greatly appreciated. For example, could this issue be resolved through the use of the RhinoCommon API?

Thank you for your assistance.

An inqurey similar to mine I have found: