Color Format Exports Problem / General Ignorance

Hello Everyone. I believe this is my first time posting to the forum!

I have been exporting color formats from Rhino for years. I am a 3D printing person, and have never been formally trained on materials, texture maps and the associated file formats. I feel a little lost reviewing a lot of the language in the forum but have not been able to find anything that addresses my question. I think.

Actual Problem
Recently, I have been experiencing inconsistencies with my exports. When exporting obj, wrl, zpr, etc… I am frequently getting white models with none of the textures I had placed in Rhino. Can anyone tell me what I am doing incorrectly? More importantly, I’d like to improve my understanding of this area of CAD. Can anyone recommend a starting point or text that can help me refine my understanding of textures, color formats, texture mapping, etc…?


torus_2.3dm (573.3 KB)

Hi Joshua - are the texture files in the same folder as the exported file? Do they look correct when opening the exported file back in Rhino?


This seems to have worked, but I was sure I was doing this earlier as well. I am going to try this fix again on my work computer next week.

Thank you! I both hope this is and isn’t the solution!