Inprecise Surface Shading


i have some shading problems for this simple loft i did:

Sometimes its of a litte bit and i don’t care but this one is off very far.

Are there any settings which influence this behavior?

SystemInfo.txt (2.9 KB)

Most likely cause is the render mesh is too coarse. (The render mesh is created automatically in Rhino and used to display surfaces.) To adjust the render mesh settings:
Options > Document Properties > Mesh

A first step is to adjust the sliders to the right.

If that does not close the gaps go to Detailed Controls.

I usually adjust “Maximum edge to surface distance” and sometimes “Maximum angle” and “Maximum edge length”.
Use Preview to see what the new mesh looks like.
For more on mesh settings see: Rhino Mesh Settings [McNeel Wiki]

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Perfect that was it!