Inplace Family to Loadable Family

Hi all,

i have made a few definitions that create loadable families based of Rhino geometry, I recently came across a project with 136 In Place families, and thought i could use Rhino.Inside to help automate the process of replacing them with of loadable families, which could be a useful tool.

The problem I’m having is the process of baking the in place family into rhino, then selecting the baked geometry within the same workflow to create a loadable family using the geometry and attributes.

I have tried

-using all the different bake components i could find (it cant seem to find attributes and also makes it the incorrect geometry)
-using the geometry out of Element Geometry (Geometry) (The New family gets Object is not set to an instance of an object)

Work around is to set the inplace in the graphical element, have elefront bake it, then select the baked geometry further down.

the Zip contains
the Revit file with the inplace family
The script pictured above

The template used tin the script which will have to be repathed (2.2 MB)

thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Please include Rhino version, Revit Version and any plugins used when posting. It saves everyone time.

In this case its R2022, R7, Elefront 5 & TreeSloth

I’m getting errors in the Elefront component. Do you have RH 8?

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Either way its going to be tricky to what you want with the Material Assignment how it is. In a non-inPlace Family assigning to SubCategory vs the Material Parameter would allow sorting.

Here I Collided with Preview Meshes to Make the alignment, which isn’t going to work in all conditions.

I’ll keep poking at it, seeing a couple places for improvement.

Sorry about that, ill post the specs next time. Long time lurker, first time poster. I don’t currently have access to Rhino8, I believe it is being rolled out next year, I could request a trial, if you think that would help.

Feel free to delete that bake component, it was just the logic I was using to get the graphical element into Rhino. After the bake, the native Rhino Element has the material assigned (with the same name as the Revit Material) which made pathing it back into the Revit family pretty smooth. however i cant chain it together, so its possible that the logic needs a new direction.

Here’s a pathway in Rh7, in this instance i used Elefront 4.3, you should be able to do something similar in Elefront 5. (11.6 KB)

thank you sir :grinning: