Import - Why not automatically zoom in on what you've imported?

Whenever I import dxf’s, and I’m assuming this is the same for other filetypes, it automatically zooms to extents of the drawings. I feel like it makes more sense to automatically zoom on the files you just have to import.

Is there a way to run zoom selected right after importing? I guess I could make a script that would run the zoomselected command after importing but I would like to solve this for when I drop my file on the Rhino window, since this is what I usually do for importing.

Wait a minute… I just did another import and now it doesn’t zoom at all. Did I just imagine it does the zoom to extents?

Edit: Ah no. With dxf it does zoom extents. With pdf it does nothing. The question remains.

That is a feature of importing the DWG and DXF formats… I do not know why these plug-ins in particular do this.


I’d say because they “got more love”.
Could it be because they were developed in the early days, they got this feature, where other newer importer plugins where deployed faster?


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However, that reminds me, I’ve had more than one complaint about this behavior in dwg.


I’m also fine with not zooming in on what you’ve imported. It’s mainly the zoom extents thing that is very annoying to me.

edit: just keep it selected after importing so that I can see where the drawing is or use zoom selected.

The YT item is about not zooming to whole model extents, but rather optionally to what was just imported. But most important is the