Import scale is wrong

Dear Rhino Friends

I have imported a drawing from another CAD package as a .DWG and the scale is wrong when it is imported. ie the measurement reads as 22 millimeters on the Rhino but the actual measure should read 22 meters.

What is the best function to rescale the drawing so that it reads properly in Rhino

Thank you in anticipation


  • Go to Options (Document Properties) >Units
  • Change the units from millimeters to meters and OK.
  • When the “Do you want to scale…?” question pops up, answer No.
  • Your 22 mm will now be 22 meters.

When you use Import, Rhino keeps the units that were set in the current file (in your case millimeters). So your .dwg file numbers were interpreted as millimeters, not meters.

If you use Open instead of Import, Rhino will try to figure out the correct units from the .dwg file, so it might open directly in meters (doesn’t always work though).

If you know the dwg to be imported is in meters, open a meters template first, then use Import.


Thank you

I brilliant help as usual Are you in the UK, Europe or elsewhere?



So, Europe - sort of. Despite being in the center of Europe, we are not in the EU. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Neither are we… now.

I am UK.

I must say your English
is excellent.

Yeah, well, there is a story behind that… English is actually my first language.

I used to work for a Dutch engineer who taught English at School. I could not learn Dutch and even he said don’t try.

Sounds like you went to an International school but not prying into your background.

Naah, just never assume that a person’s current location is where they were born or grew up. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I’ve been here for more than 30 years, but I got here by way of New York and California.

Well there you go. I have a cousin who moved from the UK to California 25 years ago and he loves it there.

Thank you for you help again.


Please assign your new messages to the appropriate category so the right people are more likely to see it.


Thank you John I did not know I was in the wrong category.

No worries. If you don’t put a message in an appropriate category when you create it, it will not generally be seen by the people that can help.
