Import Sketch-up model into Rhino

Hello everyone,

I wonder what is the best one to import a model from sketch up to Rhino? I have a huge model, and tried to import the file either in sketchup 8 or dwg format into Rhino. However, it took me ages to open. Even the file was opened eventually, I can barely move my mouse. The sketch up file is only 60 MB. It becomes 250 mb when I imported it into Rhino. However, my computer can normally handle a rhino file with 500MB up size. Not sure why it doesnt work. Can anyone help please?

Thank you very much.


Have you imported as a Mesh or Trimmed Planes? The latter will likely slow things down.

Also try ExplodeBlock command.

Hello David,

Thanks. I tried both, but they are both quite slow…the explodeblock command takes ages and never finish… any other solutions?

If ExplodeBlock is taking so long, that could indicate the problem. Blocks can really bog Rhino down, try to let it complete.

Also, try exporting your model in smaller chunks if possible, so that it’s more workable.

Large DWG import can cause real problems in Rhino v5. The DWG import on the Serengeti version of Rhino 6 is much better, so you could also try downloading that and importing your file.

Thansk again, David. I guess that exporting them in smaller chunks seems to be the only solution. I will do that. Thanks. Nichlas