Import reinforcing bar Points from Tekla to Grasshopper

Hi everyone,

Does anyone know how to import the points which generates a reinforcing bar from Tekla to Grasshopper ?

I know there are two commands Convert To Brep and Convert To Mesh that I can use to do obtain a brep or a mesh, howerver what I am looking for is for the points which generate the rebar.

Is it that possible using Tekla API?


Hi Bbalbastre,

If you’ve only got single bars, you could get the control points (the ones in your pic) with the Expand Object component like this:

If you need the physical points on the rebar itself (that take into account cover thicknesses etc) you can use the GetRebarGeometries method ( This is also needed to get the points of individual bars in e.g. a rebar group.

Here’s a C# component that uses this method to obtain the polylines of individual bars from any rebar type: (14.4 KB)






Thank you for your answer, incredible what you did!

BTW I tried to find the position number of the bar when numbering in Tekla but I couldn’t. Do you know where I can find it?


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For checking the number in Tekla you can right-click the bar and choose “Inquire”, there should be a row called Position.

You could check the number in GH as well by fetching the REBAR_POS report property like this:

(this probably wouldn’t return anything for Rebar Sets though, there you need to query the individual bars)





Thank you so much, I was looking for the position number in Grasshopper and you provided me the solution. You help me a lot.

Thanks again!


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A post was split to a new topic: Rebar Set issue