Iguana Connection

Script is here:


volumetric voronoi! :star_struck:

Hey Quan Li, I downloaded your fill , But the pug to get Tree Branch.

I would appreciate your help.

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Updated, removed the plugin Viper 7.
Iguana 3D mesh is this Voronoi V2.gh (986.7 KB)


Is there anyway that I can put this in any geometry, for example the one below?

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Is this a newer version ‘without plugin’? I’m curious what this means. :slightly_smiling_face:

I really like this technology. :star_struck:

I believe the answer is yes. Quan’s files have lots of keys to doing this.

Here’s an earlier version I think was excellent:

I haven’t studied the newer one yet. :beers:

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I removed Viper 7, not Iguana.


Here is the file: Geometry.3dm (6.5 MB)

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How so, because I am new to Grasshopper and I often find myself unsure of what to do.

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I’ll try to check it out. It might be similar to a project I was working on.

I’m still very new to grasshopper as well. But Quan’s voroni’s are awesome, so it might be just a few button clicks :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey Man, I really appreciate it.

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Your geometry is pretty complicated for this. I don’t remember why, maybe it was mostly the wall thickness relative to the holes etc.

After bevel.



How’d I not see that thread yet. :memo: study time haha