3D printing inner core geometry

I’m going to be putting some time back into 3D printing soon, (starting the next couple days), and when I do this, I’d like to make it more interesting for me and focus on controlling the inner core geometry.

I’ll be organizing here the things that I think are relevant to making this possible.

I’m mostly interested in the ‘voronoi/delaunay’ geometries, but I’m open to all possibilities.

I believe controlling the inner core structure is an important aspect that has been neglected.

So, I’ll gather whatever I find useful. And share anything I can.

I still have more to learn about Iguana.

Dunno, most of the 3D printer software out there have a bazillion ways/patterns to manage infill.

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There definitely seems to be alot of things that have be tried and are under development.

I’ve dabbled in quite a bit of them, and I feel like they’re still missing something. I think of those as what would be in between (as a filler) the core geometry I’m imagining and my outer geometries.

I will have to demonstrate.

The main thing is mostly that those random patterns that slicers have, don’t seem to be very structurally sound relative to the underlying geometry – and are too random imo.

Hence, I feel like I need to discover a solution that will be stronger.

I like the voronoi stuff so far. If anything, I will focus on streamlining something with that.

Check their powerful rhino plugin:

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That looks sweet!!! :smiley:

Look at the new isopod plugin from @DanielPiker

It can be used for boolean operations with rounded edges and to create infills. It’s quite interesting paired with shrinkwrap…

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:thinking: :exploding_head: :beers:

:face_holding_back_tears: :notes:
this looks amazing! I hope I figure out how to use it. :slightly_smiling_face: I still have lots of reading and learning to do. haha

There are a few example files in the topic where Daniel announced the plugin

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I’ll have to study those for sure :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m only like 12 posts in, and my mind blown already. :sweat_smile:

:exploding_head: so cool!

:exploding_head: :star_struck:

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voronoi :exploding_head: :star_struck: :smiley:

speechless :sweat_smile:

Once I get going on this soon imma be asking about more voronoi’s.

Still lots of reading and review and testing lol.

Also i think this person makes a very good point:

looking forward to playing with isopods :smiley: :star_struck:

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