I am looking for help with exporting rhino (5) object to igs (Pro/E solid)
When I am exporting very simple shapes like sphear, cube and cube with fillet etc. there is no problem with opening it in Pro/E but when I am exporting more complicated shape there is error and information about bad G2 curvature. I chacked surfaces with analyze tools and for me it looks ok but program shows error.
Pls give me some advice according to repair the surfaces.
It would help if you posted your file and let people look at it. You could also upload it to tech support (zip it up first) and have them look at it. Repairing surfaces is a whole thing in to itself, but since you checked them … that may not be the problem.
If you want to go to tech support the link is here:
I will publish my file when the project will be finished.
I receaved from McNell Support very nice help.
The problem is with using Fillet tool in the object, I was recomended to use Blend Tool but todey I receaved email that is still sth wrong. I tryied just now with Surface from Network tool and I am waitting for answer.
I was exporting file with Pro/E solid option. I tried before to export simple shapes like sphere and cube with fillet, cube with hole and it was ok… but with more complicated object I have a real problem.
thank you for helping me with my problem, especially Vanessa.
I hope this information will help someone who has the same problem as I had, so the main problem in object was as I wrote before the Fillet option because it makes G1 curvature and sometimes Blend option ( I do not know why because you can give this option curvature ). You can solve it with Surface from Network option.
Why not try STEP and Parasolid (.xt) export from Rhino in addition to IGES? It’s worth a shot and if those all fail then look at reconstructing your original geometry in a different fashion.
I find that sometimes one format works better than the other depending on the original geometry. No hard rules, trial and error, however, best results often with STEP, though sometimes IGES will be cleaner when STEP has issues. Again, trial/error PER MODEL. With IGES, try Default first…counter intuitive, yes.