Hi everyone,
I am trying to extract the thickness of a specific layer of a composite wall. I found a node called “ggIFCDecomposeMaterialLayer” wich takes “ifcMaterialLayer” as input and has “Thickness” as one of the outputs. Sadly, I can’t figure out how to use the node.
I am trying this because I think it could help me extract the axis of the loadbearing layer. If I would just use the axis its just in the middle of the wall. If there are other suggestions how to get the axis of the loadbearing layer feel free to share them.
Where is the IFC authored from? If it’s an application such as Revit, then you should get an axis, and a material layer set. Seems no one asked to decompose this before, but I’ve added components to the build I just pushed to package manager.
I exported the walls as IFC from Revit as a Transfer View. I take the detour over IFC because I want my application to be universally useful and not just with Revit.