Looks like your Hoopsnake plugin is corrupt and messing with the loading routines. Can you find it on your machine and send me a copy of it? then either rename the extension to .notgha or delete it entirely and download anew.
Thanks for the swift response. Attached is the zip for the hoopsnake.
If I disable/remove the hoopsnake it still doesn’t work… .
There are some mysterious files not referenced in.
Based on looking at Hoopsnake with ILSpy I think it has been obfuscated. I really wished people’d stop doing that, no end of trouble whenever a .NET update rolls along and specifically closes some loopholes obfuscators were relying on. Boom, instant crashes.
Thanks! at least if other people run into this error, it might be easier to resolve.
If i happen to need hoopsnake again, i’ll have to contact the developper unless something similar has now been integrated in GH? Hopefully he and other developers will follow your advise about the obfuscation.
Just FYI… Hoopsnake also causes instant crashes upon startup for GH Mac, it’s quite a shame since the basic functionality doesn’t seem to be platform-specific