I want to connect straight lines from random points on multiple surfaces

Hi, new issues have surfaced, so please help.

This is an example, but as shown in the file, make a line that connects the neighboring points of the randomly arranged point cloud with three straight lines from the apex to the Brep that is connected at right angles along the Brep surface. I would like to place it as a person, but do you know the solution?

20200717 Q.3dm (90.0 KB)
20200717 Q.gh (4.3 KB)

Mate, I find your question rather cryptic. Can you perhaps find another way to explain it?

Seems like this problem could be done manually, just bake the points and draw the lines…

Excuse me, I think there are some parts that I can’t convey because of poor language.

I can draw a line as suggested, but I would like to know how to shape it along the surface.

You can use geodesic component. I am not sure it will work on brep.

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This could be one way…

20200717 Q_re.gh (13.4 KB)


I tried your suggestion, but was not able to adapt myself well.
In addition, after all I was not able to adapt myself to brep.

You’re very kind. An ideal is considerably near.
Is a component of blue Join/Brep-Unrolled in the one middle having a question a component named what?


The component name you’re searching for is available in Lunchbox under Util > Unroll Brep


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You’re very kind. I install it some time ago and want to try it promptly as it became available!