How to connect points and re-arrange the points for labeling


im trying to connect the points as shown in the yellow line in 2nd picture & im trying to give labeling of re arranged numbers above each point as shown in 3rd picture , can any one please help . thank you

connecting poinnts (9.2 KB)

this might be a way in this specific case

connecting poinnts (10.5 KB)

depending on how you connect them to the Merge component, and to which A/B list you reverse, you can get different sortings

connecting poinnts doubt edited v0 (18.8 KB)

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Hi inno
thank you for your answer

thank you for you help quan li

can you please help me with this too ?

im trying to keep all the points in 1 group as shown in the 3rd picture , could you please help. thank you
grouping (976.4 KB)

this looks like the result of sections of Breps (pipes) and planes

the issue is that a plane is infinite, so it’s putting on the very same branch things that belong to one side, but also things that belong to the other :slight_smile:

I’d suggest to use brep | brep section istead, with planar surfaces created “ad-hoc” to intersect just the geometries of interest, or to attach the actual GH definition you portrait here, with internalized geometries

[edit] This might also work, but something weird is going on here:

grouping (984.5 KB)

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grouping points edited (1001.0 KB)
Good for exercise, but sorting processes like this have absolutely no value in terms of the right GH workflow.

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