How can I approach creating this pattern? Is it just a matter of scaling along a path or is there something more to it? I just want to understand how much time i will have to commit to figuring this out before i tell my team.
what is this sorcery!?
but seriously. what is the logic here?
I haven’t found the exactly math behind the patten. But I guess the patten derived from fibonacci.
haha so you also traced the bitmap i am trying to write a definition to imitate it and im desperately hoping i can do it without a very complex learning curve.
These blue rectangles are visual analysis. If you observe the size and density of those blues, you will find a spin centre located at mid-low area.
Do it first with no scaling, all strips the same width. Walk before you can run.
thats why im trying right now- but the approach seems too simple to be right- effectlively just 2 rectangles perpendicular to each other- arrayed along a curve.
Wrong algorithm.
Some old, but I believe still relevant, information on the topic of “weaving” can be found here.
so what should i be doing?
thank you @chanley . zubin seems to decide at the early stage of the study that bitmaps as the ‘seed’ for a pattern are more reliable for his exploration.
However the manipluation of the curve point z might be what i finally need at the final stages of the definition.
as @Joseph_Oster suggested, you may need to start somewhere…like maybe a grid-> figure out how to select certain points in the grid->move them up or down->run some curves through them. That guide is just one approach. I think you may have better luck with trying to work from a grid.
It depends on whether or not:
- You want to understand it and do it yourself? (and/or…)
- Someone with more experience does it for you? (you don’t have to understand it all)
The pattern in your image is similar to this but is more complex due to its asymmetry:
It would be another nice pattern driven from an image like @laurent_delrieu 's circle packing laser cut work in the gallery here…
There have been similar things done with images driving criss-crossing string art where darker areas in the image are re-created by crossing more lines of string.
Image driven basket weaving would look really cool and I guess if the end goal is to actually make this you need a manufacturing list of weave thicknesses in X and Y along with Over and Under patterns for each row and column.
You might want to add further constraints of discreet weave widths rather than continuous unless it is easy to cut the strips to any width.
Anyway… I digress, might not even be possible… I’ll follow with interest though.
@Joseph_Oster you star!
Its 1. everytime. whats the point of all this otherwise
this is where i got to yesterday before i realized that it might look like a starting point, but its useless
Interesting thread!
Will definitely read the book by Zubin Khabazi.
I have nothing to share about creating the grasshopper script.
But if anyone wants a little help figuring out the weave pattern, here’s my view of it.
In the bottom left corner every strand passes over three others and then under three.
You’ll find the same pattern in the top right corner, but multiple times and in another direction.
The piece in the middle, between my blue and red lines are also highly regular. You’ll find that the brown strands passes over 3, 3 and 5 white strands again and again.
Good luck with it!
Step -1: Try to ignore all Pinterest sites
Step 0: Google image search
Step 1: some Google translate?
Step 2: some Wikipedia
General weaving style is referred to as “Twill plaiting, or netting plaiting ( ajiro ami 網代編み)”