Apply the magic circle packing components from Kangaroo, here with 8000 circles with circles from 1.3 to 4.4 mm) Image-based Circle Packing within a polygonal limit
5a) Make some Voronoi
6a) Offset the Voronoi Cell (I used StudioAvw Offset Polyline Clipper for Grasshopper and Rhino | Food4Rhino),here offset of 2 mm as Sculpteo recommend that distance betweens cuts is more or equal than the thickness of the sheet
5b) You can also offset or scale the circles
if you use acrylic glas you dont have to worry about the wrong wood, it also looks nice AND you dont have any issues with burned spots, but ok it is not wood.
you could try Paulownia it does not warp is pretty strong for its weight and almost as light as balsa and grown nearly everywhere, a beautiful tree also.
depends on the quantity i think. you want to make a large scale production of snowboards? or what are you planning? in any case this wood likes to grow preferably in a bit warmer climates, so any supply possibly available in the UK might have been imported, they grow in the uk of course, still harvesting for wood production is probably not ideal there, but i am not a specialist. maybe check out some local boat builders, surfboard makers etc? here one address i could make out quickly skimming the web which seems to deliver at request which grows in Europe.
Hello, no electricity at the moment so no PC. But are you using an example provided somewhere that worked ? Because here I can see that the populate is surely not the same size as the image . Can you post the file and the image ? There could be someone that could help.
Okay great. Would definitely help out😁… any idea on how the letolab cell portrait is done? I mean what you have done is so much similar to the letolabs cell portrait. And both are stunning. But I would like to know how the creator have played with the voronoi patterns sizes in particular areas alone. Like if we observe keenly, the voronoi patterns at the hair area of the image is bigger than the rest of the areas. I feel that feature gives the cell portrait a whole new stunning look.
No I will not give the script. All scripts are already online, I gave links. You have to understand how it works because there are many parts to tweak, image, number of circles, sizes … So If I gave a script it will be fitted for an image and not your image. If you need a portrait buy it to Letolab.
I am not surprised you manage to do it. But you still have to work on the picture. You need contrasted picture with clear color change. The zone in red part must be darker/clearer than the face.
I’ve been trying to recreate such a laser image for a long time, with moderate success. The bars in my picture are always the same width, but when using Voronoi I can’t get the smooth transition between light and dark. Do you have a tip?
Thank you so much (2.5 MB) (124.6 KB)
the first driver is the base image. Bad image bad result, you have to take care of the background vs the main character, also the contrast plays a great role. You can also invert colors (grey indeed). It is trial and error. I didn’t do it but it is possible to play with the contrast inside Grasshopper. It is not difficult to do it.
Initial image
I hadn’t considered this option so far, thanks for your tip.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t solve my problem with the different bridge widths. I think my solution comes very close, but I can’t solve the web width with it. Can you give me a tip for this?