I need to edit a large amount of noisy/messy curves for cnc manufacturing. The machine will cut the material with a tool with a radius of 1.5mm. This means that the tool will not be able to follow the curve into turns/corners of a radius less that 1.5mm. This wouldn’t be much of an issue normaly but I also need to follow the edge with a V shaped tool and if i used the original curve, it would go into the corners the 1.5mm tool could not reach and create unwanted artifacts.
Im machining a pocket with a tapered edge.
So Im looking for a way to smoooth the curves in a way that only rounds out the parts that are tighter than 1.5mm radius. If the process changes the rest of the curve slightly, it is not a big issue, the design is huge and is organic.
the original curve with a sharp edge
what i need,
in red is machined edge from the 1.5mm tool
in blue is the path of the tool
i basically need the red curve but slight differences in the rest of the curve are not a problem