How to make tween curve in Grasshopper parametric

I want to create a louver structure as shown in the image.
The louvers are bending from a point.
In the image, this is done in Rhino using tween curve and the shape which is affect it is ovel (marked in RED). But I want to make it parametric. I want to bend the louvers according to a given shape (marked in GREEN), could be irregular. I want to shape the louvers as marked in YELLOW.
I hope I will get to solve this
Thank you!
I am not sure, but I think it will be done with pull point in grasshopper.

Twin, you mean tween?

Yes, thanks for pointing that out.

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I think it would be helpful if you can provide a .gh file for the everyone reading this. This way someone else can try and find a way.

Here is the link with various ways

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I have done it in Rhino with tween curve, but I will create a grasshopper file of the vertical lines and the shape. Will post it soon.

I have tried all the way in this, but I am not getting the clean result. I have tried the method that you have given by using Nautilus. It was the closest one.
The only this I was not getting was the straight line far away from the shape. due to the weight, it was pulling those line also toward the shape.
I am attaching a file with the Vertical lines on a surface and shape placed on the surface. Can you please help me how can I use Nautilus in it? (17.1 KB)
Thank you!

all the tools works but they are not too easy and need some knowledge.
Kangaroo tool work well but it is done to work with curve in XY plane with flow following X. Also as it works with mesh (like mine) you must put an edge length that is consistent with the model size. Here I put 1 instead of 0.5.
My tool could work on whatever plane but you need to input 2 sides lines and you need to put also the good resolution in Triremesh.

Here a comparison with Kangaroo and Nautilus (quite not change on the tools). You just need to work on XY plane and change the main orientation. Also my tool need more itterations if mesh is finer. (104.6 KB)

And it is possible with Nautilus to add some limit.
Here it is smoothen using my licenced Catmull & Clark Subdivision for mesh and weights (but could be without it, so free)

Influence_by_Shape_Kanagaroo_Nautilus (82.8 KB)

Also you can control how the flow is around an object. In order to set weights on I take a point on holes and lateral curves and I use Y as a weight. Here middle point

vs average point


Thank you so much for that detail explanation and efforts. Explaining both the method.
It is still complicated for me because I am not an expert in grasshopper. I thought it will be something simple in grasshopper. But I got the zest of it and will modify and simplify accordingly.
Once again thank you!


Don’t worry, I understand it because I did it but it will take me time if I have to redo it from scratch in a few months. I am also sure it is complex for many people.

You can make a cluster of it to hide the complexity. And if you have just one job, it could be done by hand.

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