How to import posed character?

I need to have people in specific poses that I cannot find pre-posed. Yesterday, I found AccuRIG, a software that makes rigging and posing of scanned characters very easy. Here is an example pose of one of the included models:

When I export to FBX (MotionBuilder, but I also tried other flavors) and open the result in Rhino, then pose goes back to the default A-pose:

The only export options from AccuRIG are FBX, USD, and iAvatar.

Note that I’m not tied to AccuRIG. Any similar software that gets the trick done is fine. I just don’t want to spend much time posing these characters, and the poses don’t need to be super accurate.

Rhino doesn’t do rigging bones.

You could import your posed model into Blender, then re-export with the pose baked. Import that into Rhino.


Thanks, that’s what I’m trying to do now. I am super inexperienced with Blender. I just wish there was a software that quickly allows posing and exporting as a baked FBX.

Doesn’t accurig support exporting as baked pose?

I wish, but I don’t see that option. If there is another similar software, I’d try that. AccuRIG is nice, because it’s n00b proof.

I tried all of AccuRIG’s FBX format flavors, and all of them open as A-pose in Rhino.

Have you tried importing in another software?

Yes, but without success. I tried to import the FBX exported for Blender in Blender, but I cannot get the pose.

I also tried their software Character Creator. If I import an iCharacter file there, exported with the desired pose, it again just shows a standard pose.

I’m lost.

Is there an FBX file you could share?

To avoid any copyright issue, I quickly made my own man:

2024-10-01_man.3dm (1.0 MB)
2024-10-01_man.fbx (507.0 KB)

I imported the FBX into AccuRIG and posed the man:

The result I exported as FBX for Blender:

2024-10-01_man_posed.fbx (2.4 MB)

The challenge: Get that pose into Rhino, possibly via a detour through Blender.

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Little success: It is possible to assign poses in Character Creator, then export the model as OBJ. FBX may also work, with the right options, there are many!

Recently had a similar task.

I used MakeHuman.
When I export a *.fbx from MakeHuman, then the pose is also in Rhino.
I can’t imagine accuRIG doesn’t do the same thing, perhaps there is a switch on export?
I’d ask the accuRIG people.

For a trip through Blender I export Collada (*.dae) format from MakeHuman.
In Blender you need to switch to Pose Mode.
When done, I export as *.fbx, this loads fine in Rhino.

Don’t have time now but I reckon I could sort of get there eventually with pure Rhino. Yeah you need to disconnect the legs etc. to move them independent of the body but any gaps that are visible in the final render you can probably just put a sphere there to hide it. Might be trickier with a more complex model - it’s much easier to manipulate basic shapes like this.

Cool! I was thinking about trying it in pure Rhino too. But I think it would take me quite a while to get results that look realistic, even when viewed from a distance.

I don’t really want to do that posing stuff. I have to. Normally I spent quite some time looking for preposed models, and I’m happy to pay for good ones.

What are you doing with the models?

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Now I understood.
accuRIG is not for posing, it only makes a skeleton.
Means you can’t export a posed model.

Ah, that is confusing, because it links to the full library of poses, both free and paid. But with Character Creator (see above), I get what I want. Exporting OBJ means I have to manually assign the textures. But that’s not too bad: I realize when I import FBX, the textures are incomplete anyhow, and assigned to Custom instead of Physically Based.

I now also got a reply in my thread Get single pose into Rhino in the Reallusion forum. Indeed, Character Creator is the way to go. There is official documentation:

Generating Character with Poses for Art Works