grey sheet is mesh from the surface and purple the surface used for cut .
I cannot post the figure file but can post the bit cut off ! same thing !
how to heal the end over.
I have tried turning the cutting surface into a mesh, then using existing mesh with its hole to trim it (MeshTrim) but result was a ragged mess not a neat sheet . would I then have used Mesh Join ?
How does one join that to the mesh ? (if it had worked as a circular mesh )
This is important as anything I cut out will need filling in.
I try FillMeshHole, asks me to select edge of hole, I pick and a small line goes yellow, whilst I am wondering do I work my way around it it takes on a splinter effect.
another pick sees the entire mesh get selected,
Select the mesh tube and hide everything else. Run DupBorder on the mesh. Run MeshPolyline and select the curve that was created in the previous step. Select both meshes and Join.
the actual hole is part of the entire figure, so there is a short bit of tube coming from his chest then the hole in its end.
I wont be able to select the mesh tube and hide everything else as the hole will also then vanish. is that a problem ?
here also as an attachment for those who after a click then a second click cant see this full size.
…forget that, attachment is how it is uploaded anyway, so it should downloadable ?
Right click copy image then open an image viewer and paste.
…solving the failure, undo join and flip the mesh disc, try again, success.
I have added suggestion for folk with inability for it to display at full size, right click copy then image handler edit paste.
that also means that any of the single image files are also not showing up at the correct size.
Thus all my posts with single screen grab explanatory images are failing.
Is this how it is for folk, please you guys let me know.
I will post a thread and with some links to posts to find out.
Hi, I wonder if I have same problem viewing e.g. one made by you.
I have made a new thread asking of mine, can you place several screen grabs one above the other as a test and post to see what happens. I always resample a bit, 70% or so, and save at quality 9 or sometimes 7, checking for readability, to keep file size down.
This is very worrying to me, a lot of effort goes into them, means I fail to get the situation and what happened across. In the storyboard may lie what I did wrong.
a copy paste to ones own image editor is one workaround, but has this revised forum engine messed things up ?
Using FillMeshHole or using the MeshPolyline method achieve the same exact result on my end - with one exception. When I use the MeshPolyline method, Rhino puts some of the mesh triangular faces inside out. This is easily fixed by running UnifyMeshNormals.
Again, both methods result in identical closed meshes.
No problems here viewing your storyboards or single images. They work as you described, when clicked they pop-up at a small size - click again and they switch to large size.
I’m on MacOs. Worked fine in Safari, Chrome, and Firefox.