@BrianJ cold we add this as main request for the V6. You know, svg it’s an open source standard and it’s suitable for illustration and for vectors in browsers…
How much could you take add this simple feature?
Adobe Illustrator 8.0 and below (Postscript based):
UniConvertor failed
Failed to load the requested file C:\Temp\logo.ai
It seems that:
Rhino exports to Illustrator 8.0 and below format.
The tool UniConvertor conversion tool used by Inkscape has issues on Windows 7. See comments on Inkscape bug 745997. Inkscape 0.48 includes UniConvertor 1.1.5.
That causes non-circular curves to be approximated by line segments. Well, it looks OK, and I know that resolution can be tweaked. However, the line segments are not joined, probably due to limitations of the DXF format. This is a problem since it looks like line segments cannot be joined in Inkscape.
I was wondering if that would be an issue for you. The only other solution that comes to mind is using PDF with vector output but I understand about not wanting a ton of kinks.
If something else occurs to me I’ll be sure to post it.
I now converted the AI file to SVG using Illustrator. The result is nice: Curves got converted into smooth simple to edit splines. However, a light-weight tool is preferred. I didn’t yet try UniConvertor 1.4.
I wrote the script. There are still issues with converting certain types of curves. I myself did not use the exporter for a while now because I did not need svg anymore.
Back when I used it the results were very useful and smooth.
With AI export broken in versions 5 and WIP, PDF export producing ugly kinks, and no SVG export, it seems impossible for me to share 2D drawings for laser cutting with partners and colleagues.