I’m fairly new to Rhino, and trying to find a proper way to export a 2D 3dm file to vector. Ideally a pdf or svg vector file. Whenever I try any sort of export, even after messing with the options, I’m always left with either some curves not showing up or the curves being turned into several small straight lines, neither of which work for what I need to do.
I just tested AI and PDF from the latest Rhino for Mac and they are working for vector output. For AI, use File>Export and for PDF use File>Print then click show details, select vector output and then click the PDF button in the lower left to save it.
SVG has been on the request pile for a long time and I’m not sure when or if it will be added anytime soon. Here’s a link to the wish list item for future reference. http://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-839
Thanks so much for the prompt responses.
I’ve tried the File>Print for the PDF, but I still get segmented straight lines instead of continuous curves. Prophecy P Backplate.pdf (16.2 KB)
Attached is the original .3dm, along with the .pdf to illustrate the issue I’m having. Prophecy P Backplate.3dm (125.6 KB)
Try Export to AI format, that would be the most likely way to get what you want - it is true that the AI format we use is pre-pdf, but it will get you the cleanest curves, I think.
Unfortunately, I do not have any means with which to open or edit an .AI file.
My inkscape has issue opening it. Are there any other options or ways to fix the pdf output?
I have found a way to convert a .dxf to the formats I need from another program. However, the results of my .dxf exports are unsatisfactory. Several curves are entirely missing and the others are disjointed and jittery.
Here are two examples of this export under different settings.
Do I need to change the settings into something in particular, or convert my curves to something else prior.
All i need is a proper vector line drawing of these curves.
I don’t know what the export settings were, but the files look more or less OK to me when opened in Rhino. In both cases you have the entire word “Prophecy” duplicated (also in your original), in file #2, some of the curves are exploded into smaller segments…
It’s really tiny - don’t know if that’s what is wanted - but seems OK at first glance in Illustrator CS6 here…
Thanks, I think I have figured out a temporary solution. Perhaps the issue was the programs I was viewing in somehow corrupting the image. Thanks so much for all the help, guys.
There is no need to make a layout, just select file > print from the menu, pick “vector” as your print format, click the PDF button and select “save as PDF”