How to fill up the holes in my model for better 3D printing

My mesh in rhino is a closed one, but when i try to 3D print it, holes appear. Is there something wrong with my rhino model?

It looks like you chose to only print the outer shell, thus the horizontal areas cave in.
Normally the software that prepares the files for the 3D pritner will automatically add inner structures of solids. If you turned that option off then turn it back on again. The printer filament is liquid-ish so it can not print straight out in the air as it needs time to cool.

Read more about printer issues here:

Hi, thanks for replying. I actually want it to be hollow inside, i have checked the option for support as well.

Then you have to remove the support manually, that is somewhat tedious and normal procedure. As you can’t fight gravity when printing.

Or use a SLS printer (laser sintering) instead :slight_smile: Then overhang doesn’t matter as the printed parts rests on unsintered powder.

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You could section it in half, and print each separately so the supports would be easier to remove.
Of course would end up with a seam but maybe that is not too bad if you will sand and paint it?

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