How to "extrude a body along a curve" in subd?

how to “extrude a body along a curve” in subd?



I do it this way now, I take half of the model and extrude it along the line (it takes a long time). But I want to extrude it along the line like in NURBS.

what is the purpose of this exercise? is it just an example? in this specific case you could simply try the command MultiPipe you will get a result that is very similar and works on any curve.

what you also can do is to take a subd cylinder and use the command Flow with options stretch and preserve structure.


what is the goal of your request? What problem are you trying to solve?

here is a brute force method to what you are showing-

I don’t know how to do “caps”.i training but this not work (I removed the halves but they grew over)

command MultiPipe and Flow not fork in Subd.(I still couldn’t get them to start.)

i am not sure i understand, you did not get these tools to work? select your curve and enter MultiPipe the outcome is SubD you can select caps there and you might have what you need.

you can also click on the question mark, there are step by step explanations how tools work. then every time you launch a command you will have its appropriate help displayed.

select half a sphere and choose extract (right click the explode icon)

that will split the sphere in half and you can then use them for “caps”

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Команда: Sweep
Неизвестная команда: Sweep
Команда: Matchsegmenttocaps
Неизвестная команда: Matchsegmenttocaps

sorry ;_; but this not work