How to do circles pattern on the corners

Hi Guys,

can you please help me with this script how i can make the circles continue to the corners and the sides like the reference?

question circles (7.4 KB)

circles (15.7 KB)

hi joseph thank you ,
this is the first part of what i tried to do but not like an extrusion im trying to populate the circles aslo on the sides like the reference

Oh! Had to magnify your image to see the wrapped hexagonal pattern:thinking:

no need to do hexagon pattern just trying to make the circles pattern continue to the sides

building up on josephs work this would be my attempt to help. the holes at the edge are not perfect and could be optimized by boolean difference spheres at the edges which defenitly would make the scrip heavier - hopefully this already suits your idea other wise let me know.

circles (18.6 KB)


Thank you!

I get this weird Thing in Rhino Version 7 SR35 (7.35.23280.19001, 2023-10-07)

that Thing disappears if I match the data trees of Surface and SplittingCurves going into Surface Split :+1:

circles (20.0 KB)

“Thing” .__.


oh man thank you!
i was struggling with this error