How to create this pattern on a rectangular surface?

Hello forum,
Im new to Grasshopper and I’m trying to create this pattern (attached below).
By my understanding it is a hexagonal grid, with 4 hexagons within each hexagonal cell.
I have also shared my attempt at creating this hexagonal grid, however I dont understand how I can generate more hexagons within each cell. Is this some form of penrose tiling?

Thanks in advance for your help

You could pay around with Parakeet and see if any of the patterns get you close. Personally I’d model one segment of that tiling in Rhino and use GH to duplicate that into a hexagon grid.

(Not what you want - just showing how Parakeet gives quick options)

That looks like a mixture of pentagons and hexagons which may have come from the mesh you employed. I don’t use meshes, but if this method is OK for you I can clean up my GH file and share it:

Modelling the base shape in Rhino was a great tip. While that was not what i was looking for, it gave me a great starting point. I managed to create the base shape in grasshopper as well, giving me complete parametric control over it. Thank you very much for your help. I will post the full script once I have completed it.

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Here is the end result. After many trials, I was unable to tile the pattern in Grasshopper, and resorted to manual tiling. While the outcome is exactly what I was looking for, I would like to tile it parametrically in the future. Thank you very much for your help.


I’m late, but whatever.

This is how you could create the “unit” petagon cell:
See green, make 2 equal-length segments that make a 90° angle each-other. Rotate them, mirror, and close the shape.

Then, finding the proper numbers to easily get a nice array is more tricky:
(but it can be surely made simpler than what I did here…)

pentagons (19.7 KB)


This is insane! I would never have figured this out. Thank you so much.