How to create sub-level for lowest level?

It looks like a sub-levels should created one level below the level you want to generate. How do you create a Sub-Level for the lowest level?

Hi @Steven_Kim the sub-levels are displayed above or below the parent level according to their elevation. By default, they are created 1 meter above the parent level, but you can change that elevation to a lower value:

Thanks !!

Hi. Francesc
When the elevation of sub-level in lowest level is lower the that of main level, there’s no problem. However, if it is equal to the that of main level, it doesn’t belong to the lowest level.

@Steven_Kim what do you mean? in your screenshot, both sub-levels belong to the level “Basement”, which is the lowest.

Hi. Francesc.
Basement_RCP doesn’t belong to Basement Level. It belongs to the 1st Floor level.

Steven, why don’t you create the sub-levels to the 1st Floor then? When you create a sub-level, you need to select in which level it will be created. Then, the sub-level will be displayed above or below that level depending on its elevation.

Sorry, but I think it doesn’t make sense. Do you think RCP of basement level should belong to 1st floor level?

Please try to make Main level and sub-levels with elevation and cut plane as described in my screenshot. You can’t create sub-level for RCP of lowest level in lowest main level. That’s what I’m saying.

@Steven_Kim in your previous post you said:

So I’m a bit confused.

The sub-level will only appear below the parent level if it has a lower elevation. In your screenshot, the sub-level “Basement_RCP” has the same elevation as its parent level “Basement”, so in this case it’s listed on top of it.

What I mean is that even though Basement_RCP should not belong to 1st floor, it currently does.

Are you sure? Please see the screen shot below. 1st Floor_Sub has higher elevation that its parent level, 1st Floor, but it belongs to its main level. It looks like if it’s not the lowest level, elevation value doesn’t matter

Please check the 1st Floor level of the screent shot that I’ve uploaded first. The 1st Floor_RCP has the same elevation as its main level, the 1st Floor, so it can properly belong to the 1st floor. However, this is not the case for the lowest level.

Moreover, the elevation of a reflected ceiling plan is naturally the same as that of its main level. How would you create a sub-level for the RCP of the lowest level into its main level?

In this screenshot, the “1st Floor_Sub” is a sub-level of the level “Basement” (no matter if its elevation is higher than other levels). You can see it by the dotted line that connects it with the Basement level, or if you collapse the Basement level. So the 1st Floor it is not its parent level. That happens because when you created that sub-level, you selected the Basement level.

If you want it to see that sub-level showing up above the 1st Floor, just create it on the 1st Floor. I’m showing this in the gif below:

Do you mean a RCP of the “Basement” level’? you don’t need to create a sub-level for that. You can just show the Basement level in RCP and you will see the level above (1st Floor) in projection. Or perhaps I just still don’t understand what you are trying to do.

Finally, I got it. I noticed the dotted lines now. However, in your GIF file, ‘First Floor-sub’ looks like a sub-level of ‘First Floor.’ The dotted lines are not that noticeable, and if sub-levels are created above or below the main level depending on their elevation value, it can cause significant confusion for users.

To me, it looks like both Sub-level 1 and 2 belong to 2nd floor in this screenshot. It is hard to immediately notice the dot lines, and considering that sub-layers in Rhino are always created under their parent layer, this is extremely confusing.

I believe sub-levels should always be generated below the main level regardless of their elevation value.