Is there a way to create a Revit Floor from a Rhino surface or mesh which is not flat? I have a complex 3d carpark surface which I would like to convert into a Revit Floor but currently the only input in the Add Floor option in Rhino Inside Revit is a 2d boundary (horizontal and planar)?
You want a floor that has a modified slab with points at various elevations?
Hi Ehsan,
Yes, that is correct. I am a landscape architect and documenting complex paving surfaces is very difficult in Revit, as you have to modify the elevation of individual points. As a result, we model these surfaces in Rhino, and would like to export them into Revit as a Revit floor element (to enable exchange with our architect colleagues). I can export a complex surface into Revit as a Toposurface, but as you know, a Toposurface in Revit only has infinite depth and no structural layers.
Okay. So is it okay if the input of this hypotetical component is a Rhino mesh? I’m thinking it can read the mesh vertices, and create a floor that has those vertices set as slab points.
On another note, do you need to create Revit native floors? How about bringing the geometry in as a DirectShape that is categorized as a floor?
Yes, I can convert a rhino surface to a mesh if required before exporting.
In regards the to the appropriate category in Revit, most landscape architects typically use Revit Floors as the best way to create landscape hard paving elements, as it allows us to add structural layers (i.e. the paver, the crushed rock it sits on, filter fabric etc…) which is revealed when we cut a section. If it is a native Revit Floor, we can modify the display qualities of the element (i.e. hatch, colour, line type etc…) Is this possible with a DirectShape?
Kind regards
No not any of that is possible with DirectShapes. They’re pretty much generic geometry wrappers. Ok let me see what I can do
Thanks so much,
Can I just say, Rhino in Revit is fantastic and a game changer for us - it hopefully means we can continue modeling in Rhino (as we always have), but get info into Revit for documentation and collaboration with others.
Has there been any progress on this topic ?
Thanks !
Check this: Modify Floor Subelements (SlabShapeEdit) in GHPython - #3 by eirannejad
You can use this to add your points to a floor
Hi, thanks !
I’ve already seen this.
But this only add points on the planar face of a floor. What i need is a component that allows the creations of floors with points that have different elevations. Do you of any way this can be possible ?
Have you tried it? Can we see some results? This adds points at whatever the point’s elevation is in Rhino.
For background, I have used this extensively, in production settings, to create floors that take the same shape as complex Revit topographies.
Yes i have tried it. If it worked for you i guess i did it wrong.
Here’s a screenshot of my attempt.
Tried it with a simple slab and 4 points placed above the slab. I am not getting any output
I believe I answered this in your duplicate post
You can do all the graphic control you want if you create Site Categories with Sub-Categories. You could create a component family for each hard paving element or create one family for all the elements. Then assign sub-categories to each hard layer.
Do you have a simple example Rhino file, I bet we can rig something up with that.
Yeah sorry for duplicate post… I thought this was to differente methods
Thanks for answering !
I’m afraid i can’t visualize what you are describing.
Basically we can do whatever we want now in rhino+revit+rhino inside, because you guys did a great job with this piece of software obviously the best !
Problems start showing up when we try to create editable element (comparable to native revit floors with height points) out of complex geometries (such as the mesh in the file i uploaded). If you can show me how we can use this type of geometry to create revit floor elements the whole office i work in will spend a happy day !
Here is the file ==>
Thank you !
Here you go:
The target revit file has different floor system families. We are trying to push the geometry in way we can edit change the floor parameters once in revit. Here’s a screen ==>
Oh this looks like something that can work, i’m gonna try it. Thanks !