How to create L Shaped 2D Grid in Grasshopper?

I want to create an L Shaped Grid in Gasshopper so I can create an L Shaped Building. I tried to create two overlapping Rectangular Grids so I could subtract the smaller one from the bigger one and work with an L Shaped Brep afterwards. It doesn’t work. Does anyone have a tip for me?

A L-shaped grid doesnt make much sense, since a grid is basically a range of coordinates. And if you have A to Z in one direction and 1 to 20 in the other, the grid is going to include A1 just as well as Z20. I would extend the grid over the whole building and just not use the part of the grid thats outside the L.

If its just a cosmetic thing though you could use two grids. One for the vertical part of the L, that starts at 0,0,0. And one for the horizontal part that has its origin at the bottom right of the first grid, so for example 5,0,0.

I hope that makes sense.

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Surely not the most conventional, but shows some hidden features of split tree ! (10.1 KB)


@antoinemaes idea, with string formatting:


How can I keep forgetting that component after all these years… :man_facepalming:

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